Tag Archives: astrology

Astrology in Manifestation

There is weather forecast everyday. Whether you want to check it out, make use of it or not is up to you. Whether you utilise it, took an umbrella with rainfall prediction and later thanked that you checked the forecast this morning, the forecast will keep running everyday. Natural phenomenon recurs everyday, how well one can ‘read’ it varies accordingly, so there always will be hits and misses. Astrology is very similar.

ImageI insist it is just a tool. A tool to assist in our journey in planet earth; after all we are only travelers as they say. And it makes sense to equip yourself with with necessary items when you travel which reminds me to pack few things for my travel next month. I’m going to visit Buddha’s birthplace. In the bigger travel journey of life, it makes sense to utilise the navigation tool that’s available.

Disclaimer: I’m not an astrologer or numerologist although I use them extensively.

One of the reasons people discard this tool altogether is because they get overwhelmed. Every newspaper, magazine has this column, each one is different and we try to validate it by matching the prediction to our own life. Agree? As mentioned above, ‘who reads it’ writes it in their tone and what ‘they’ think is important.

And the fact is What I value may be valueless for someone and for some it may be invaluable.


So how to use this tool to maximise its output for you?

1. This blog’s name is manifesting mantra, which simply means mantra to manifest. After practising for years, I realized I’m now able to share the mantras with those who are interested. One of the things that I learned during the process is THE PERSON who is manifesting influences the outcome. Of course! you are thinking right now.

The experts say human beings are like onions with so many layers. I have learned and seen that the most powerful and invisible is of course the innermost layer and which is the ‘hero’ of our manifestation movie. In today’s world our outermost layer is almost a ‘plastic’. So no surprises your ‘law of attraction’ from plastic surface is not working. Use the prescribed tool here. ANY work done from your inner layer is effective. I just read an article for effective blogging and one of the strategies were to write ‘soul baring’ posts. Inner layer/soul?blogging?manifestation?

Use astrology to learn about yourself, to understand about yourself and take it from there but don’t be obsessed with it. It is only a tool.

2. In one of the posts we talked about elements (chinese astrology), vedic astrology also teaches you about favourable investments based on the planetary position. So if you learn your element is water and you have always wanted to build water fun park it makes sense to implement the idea. However, if your element is fire, water fun park wouldn’t work for you, as we know water puts out fire, which again makes sense. It will also make sense when you go against this ‘water puts out fire’ theory and invest in water theme park and lose. Use it to identify suitable career, business and even which company’s shares to invest on.

3. Every New Year we try to make resolutions and with every passing year, the list gets smaller and some almost give up. Here as well you can utilise the tool. Understanding the yearly trends and setting goals accordingly DOES HELP. Like every industry has big ‘guns’, there are some ‘big guns’ planets who exercise their influence on us. So, it’s only natural you want to know what they are up to and how to benefit from them, because whether you care or not they do influence you.

For instance if serious planet saturn is paying you a visit in your money house and he says to you that he’ll stick around for a year or more and will give you lessons about money matters, what do you do? You say ok, thank you for visiting, please enlighten me. Action wise, you will be conservative with your money, sources will be tight etc etc. Saturn will make you tougher and wiser. If you don’t listen to him and try to surf against the tide, then well we know what happens to that surfer.

And it is a less known secret that ‘real life’ big guns use and make the most of astrology. Apparently, Mr Trump always feng shuis all his real estates.

There are many other ways where you can blend this gift in real life, which gives you answers to the questions only you know. And as with everything there are  simpler and advanced versions of this tool. You can start with speed level 1 (may be learn about your birth chart or your friend/partner/child’s chart). If you like playing with it, you can get to the advanced version, if not there are so many professionals out there who can assist.

Final disclaimer: Astrology or other forms are not magic. It’s you who create magic out of it. I’m sure Mark Zuckerberg’s chart doesn’t say “he’ll create facebook” but something like IT would be favourable field for him. So as a ‘real life practitioner’, I’d urge you to trial it and discover what secret ingredient it reveals to you so you can create your magic and serve the world.

Who’s your friend and enemy;Chinese zodiac wise?

We are counting down to Chinese New Year.

The other way of looking at it is us having another opportunity to ‘refresh’ our goals/resolutions from New Year. Technically throughout the year, we have this opportunity with perhaps different names.

Now continuing the wisdom of Chinese zodiac, let’s see who’s your friend and who’s your foe.

FRIENDS FIRST: There are three in each group


















There are also SECRET FRIENDS

  • ox&rat
  • dog&rabbit
  • monkey&snake
  • boar&tiger
  • rooster&dragon
  • sheep&horse

WHERE CAN WE USE THIS WISDOM?? The answer is if you want to everywhere.

Firstly astrology in any form is a tool, only a tool. It is a pencil outline in a painting. Our actions fill the colours and other attributes to this painting of life. Also, whether we want to utilise the tool, what we create from it, what we do with it (all our actions) is well!up to us.

So, knowing the person you know, is which “animal” helps a lot in understanding the person. Believe it or not, but you can discover (if you like), that a human being does exhibit his “animal” characteristic without even knowing.

For instance, a rat always takes whatever it sees/finds to its “hole/home”. It may not need/consume but still it does that. “compulsive behaviour disorder”?. A rat person you will notice has this tendency of gathering/collecting things. They buy anything and they keep things long after its use. They just do it.

Knowing your allies helps in making decisions in life, in Chinese, Tibetan tradition matching the zodiacs is very important in marriage. What if you are a “RAT” and s/he is “SNAKE”; snake eats rats.This wisdom can also be applied if you are “family planning”. So if you are a rat, don’t plan to have a baby this year (it’s a horse!!). Father/Mother child not getting along?Child overpowering,causing trouble to a parent? Makes sense?

Getting into business with someone you know, no matter how bright the future looks if this person’s animal sign is your ‘enemy’, it won’t take long for the relationship to turn sour. “Enemy” boss? Good Luck!!

Secret friends are always beneficial if you don’t know someone of your direct allies but you have someone in family as your ‘secret friend’ it’s a go for business partnership.

Now if you want to feng shui, turn the energy around you into your favor, want to call in some extra help, a very easy way is to bring your friend “animal” home. Yes, if you are ‘rat’ bring the ‘dragon’ home! which might be tough because out of all the signs dragon is celestial, for you it may be mythical! then bring the ‘monkey’ home. How?
An image, figurine, soft toys for your kids(if you are a parent) would do. Suddely ‘paul frank’ came into mind as I write. I am a ‘rat’ I could wear the Paul Frank tee!! There we go!I got a new idea today to enhance my luck :)

On a more serious note, this is a general info, as mentioned earlier, it is a tool, if you liked trialling it, you could always get a sophisticated version of the tool to simplify your life. So you found a business partner/life partner with compatible sign, you can then delve into the elements (sophisticated version tool). Good Luck!

On even more serious note, that rat collecting thing; as I learned and reflected, I have successfully changed it!well I try each day. Suddenly I’m thinking which of Paul Frank merchandise would be more appropriate?? If you have a suggestion please leave it in the comment :)