Manifest love this season

As it’s the ‘season’ of love, a post on how to manifest love would be helpful I thought.

ImageIn the previous post 7 easy things you can do to improve your luck this year you can find the ‘peach blossom animal’ cure for love this year, you can put it in place if you are serious about being in a relationship.  Doing this we are covered in the ‘heavenly luck’ section.

Next is the ‘human luck’. (Note: According to Chinese Feng Shui there are four types of luck)

At the core of our being we are love, that is what we really ‘are’. For ‘aware’ people this idea is acceptable, for rest of us it makes least sense because it is so deeply buried in our subconscious, but the good thing is it’s not inaccessible. So, please know you are love, I am love.

One can manifest love in the form of another person through self-love and self-awareness.


As humans, we evolve/grow/change everyday and our choices reveal the same. Addressing what your ‘molding’ process has resulted in each day helps to keep your outer (conscious) in tune with your inner (subconscious).  The inner is where the ‘roots’ of our tree (life) is. If your inner is deprived, sad, needy, it’s only obvious you will fall for another person with similar attributes or not even look for one at all.

When we see something’s wrong somewhere, it is an indication that we feel we can contribute to ‘righting’ it. How do you recognize it? Only through self-awareness; if you decide to choose ‘how can I make the world a better place?’ and you are happier in that thought place (because it’s your natural/real/inner self) and seek love from that place, higher chances of manifesting love at the right wavelength.

When it comes to manifesting ‘anything’ including love, the key is to attract and not to chase it. You can only attract it if you have it.

At the end of the day, we seek fulfillment, in this journey of life we seek fellow companion to share the travel with. So I’m not sure how ‘someone to complete me’ idea works.


Loving self is almost a commitment one has to make 24/7. Until that becomes a second nature, pay attention to various areas of your life that doesn’t make you comfortable. Address them.  Love yourself as you would love that special someone, then you can manifest that human specimen in physical form, that one who will actually stay.

No matter how much people try and think manifestation is outer thing, it has actually to do a lot with inner work.

1 thought on “Manifest love this season

  1. Pingback: 7 Ways To Be Your Own Special Someone, Practice Loving Yourself First | manifestingmantra

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