Category Archives: Philosophy

That ‘awkward’ moment….

when words of wisdom just waterfall from your mouth, such that the listener as well as you are stunned!

Have you had those ‘awkward’ moments when you are speaking, giving an advice or writing or thinking that makes even yourself wonder “where did I get that from?”.

Those are the moments when we have accessed or touched upon what is commonly known as unified field or ‘All that Is’ or .. I don’t know what people on different parts of world refer to it as. I only know that you can enable yourself to access it.

There’s a short mantra that can be used to expand your energy field or to lift the energy field or to shift your energy at any given time and situation. Say you have a task in hand with a deadline and you have just run out of your last bit of physical/mental energy, use the mantra (shorter version) below and experience the difference. Ideal of course is reading it 108 times.

This is a ‘multi-purpose’ mantra, it can be used to center yourself. As you get better and start experiencing difference you can use it as per your needs or situation say to combat worry or fear as an example (biggest obstacles in manifesting!!)

The mantra is OM AH HUM (Sanskrit, Tantric/Tibetan Buddhism- should you want to delve deeper)


For easier understanding I often relate mantras to sound healing. For those of us with deeper knowledge of sound and mantras know that they can literally act like a telephone line to ….. (fill in the blanks please according to what suits you) I’d call it heavens, if you don’t mind (because there are mantras to seek support of superior energy forms-God if you may like) or universe.

If you are one of those types, who likes to count the trees instead of enjoying the fruit, you could always learn more about the individual meaning of each syllable given above.

Good Luck and Happy Manifesting!






Your Purpose

On holidays with limited or no internet access. Sharing some of selected manifestation quotes.Enjoy!

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Matters of heart

On holidays with limited or no internet access. Sharing some of selected manifestation quotes.Enjoy!On holidays with limited or no internet access. Sharing some of selected manifestation quotes.Enjoy!

7 easy things you can do to improve your luck this year

This is a last post in the Chinese New Year series. For the last 5 years that I have been practicing Feng Shui, I can attest that everything has improved. EVERYTHING. So I wish the readers the same.


Listed below are some of the major and easy to implement ‘cures’ for the coming year. If this is your first time, it will be a good experiment. I wish you good luck. If you are not new to this then you know how powerful ‘shifting’ the energy around us can impact our lives.

Without much complicated details and logic and calculations below are easy-to-follow steps to help us safely sail through the wood horse year.

1. For wealth luck Wear red in any form and display red objects in your living space and keep home well lit. If you want to take it to next level, in the SW, what is called the ‘victory star’ sits. You can activate this ‘star’ with Yang( moving) water not still water. So if you have wanted a fountain always but didn’t know where to put it, try it this time. Word of caution: NO WATER IN BEDROOMS.

2. For over all good luck earth is the element this year. So think crystals, gemstones and precious rocks in terms of wearing, decorating. If you will wear them, use faux gold/silver in terms of decoration you can fill vases with crystals.

3. Extremely favoured this year is romance/marriage. Anything that speaks romance to you, you can bring it home, since we are following Chinese New Year right now, pair of mandarin ducks is considered to enhance your romantic life.

Below cure should be applied ONLY IF YOU ARE SERIOUS about getting hitched, if not you may find the ‘honeymoon’ period phase out next year! Bring home the corresponding animal to your own sign (in the table below). It can be made of porcelain or metal (preferrably) and place it in the CENTER of your living room (may be on coffee table)

If you are Horse, Tiger, Dog : decorate your center space with image, figurine of RABBIT

If you are Rooster, Snake, Ox: decorate your center space with image, figurine of HORSE

If you are Dragon, Monkey, Rat: decorate your center space with image, figurine of ROOSTER

If you are Rabbit, Sheep, Boar: decorate your center space with image, figurine of RAT

4. No Romance but more Academia? Same spot as above, place image (google) “CARP CROSSING THE DRAGON GATE”. This cure is to enhance scholastic luck. It brings fabulous attainment luck. This can also be implemented for your children. Try this if you are working on your PhD thesis.

5. Females around the world still going strong this year, if you are a female fighting for promotion, leading an organisation, fiercely ambitious. on your desk or SW of home place an image or figurine of General Hua Mu Lan which creates the energy of courage, confidence and victory. This is almost a MUST-DO THIS YEAR FOR WOMEN.

6. Patriarchs (elder males at home, or males in general in any household) are badly affected this year which can manifest in terms of illness, money loss, problems at work, negative influences in businesses etc. for instance, at work if you are competing against a female counterpart for a promotion chances are high that you will lose. A remedy is an image or figurine of General Chao Chao in NW.Chinese value their generals very much, its believed when we invite their images or figurines they lend us their courage, confidence and victory.

7. The most important even for the ‘westernized’ feng shui practitioner is ‘Tai Sui’ God of the Year who sits in the NORTH. No renovations, cutting, digging in this part of the house, North should be kept as quite as possible. It is strongly advised not to face him rather turn your back at him and that way you have his support. In your home office if your desk is facing North, it’s time to change it around.

Above cures are  at macro level, they address the overall ‘vibe’ of the year for all of us. Yes, of course you can make it more personal at your individual luck level and that is a matter of choice. Feng Shui is a very dynamic practice and is affected by ‘time’. It is a very handy ‘tool’ for people who like to go with the flow, who understand that ‘change is the only constant’ and thus with time and changes we grow.
For someone who is afraid of change and likes to be where s/he is feeling safe, this idea of moving things is painful but hey we do spring cleaning!

As with everything else, yes things keep happening around us that influence us, we can be pushed around or we can live in awareness and enjoy the ride!

I’d urge you to try any of the above with the very intention that it is being applied for, 99% of the time the results are affirmative. Well if you want to ‘test’ them and do everything against it because you think it’s fluff, then good luck!

More than billions of Chinese are celebrating and as we are witnessing their growth with awe, I wonder if some of the credits can be attributed to their hard core beliefs and practices at micro levels. On that note I wish you all “gong xi fat cai” which means ‘congratulations on being rich’.